Why you should move to cloud accounting

Why you should move to Cloud Accounting

If you’re managing a small business, the chances are that you’re using one of the current crop of cloud accounting platforms. Whether your chosen software is Xero, QuickBooks or MYOB, these online accounting tools are now the standard for business … Read More

How to access funding for your business

Ways you can access funding for your small business

If you’re planning to found a new business, you’ll need enough startup capital to get this venture off the ground. And once you’re up and running, you’ll need additional business finance and investment at each stage of your growth and … Read More

How healthy is your business?

How healthy is your business?

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activity and lose sight of the big picture. Taking stock of the health of your business is important. Knowing where you are allows for more effective … Read More

list of key dates for September and October 2024

List of key dates for September and October 2024

The new financial year is already in full swing, meaning most of you are still finalising your general ledger accounts in order to get the necessary information to us to prepare your final 2024 accounts and tax returns. Others have … Read More

Why productivity matters and what you can do about it

Why productivity matters, and what you can do about it

Productivity is a term associated with strong economies, robust businesses and the efficiency gains of clever staff. If only businesses were efficient, then we would have fewer of them failing, more employment and better incomes for owners and workers alike. … Read More

Getting organised for next year

Getting your small business tax in order

With the 2023/24 financial year now wound up, it’s time to think about submitting your tax return and making sure you have the cash reserves put aside to pay the company’s tax bill. This short guide to getting your small … Read More

New migration laws, what you need to know

New Migration Regulations – what you need to know.

New Migration Regulations: What Small Business Owners Need to Know Australia’s new Migration Amendment (Work-Related Visa Conditions) Regulations 2024 are shaking up the immigration landscape. These changes are important for small business owners as they impact both employers and the … Read More

The pitfalls of DIY accounting and bookkeeping

DIY Bookkeeping and Accounting? The 5 big challenges

When you’re starting out as a small business owner, the temptation is to go DIY with your accounting. Hiring a professional accountant or tax adviser costs money and that’s an overhead that you can remove by doing all the financial … Read More